Four days of successive flying with layovers inside the kingdom isn't new to me. The recent one I got wasn't bad, though maybe the original flyer found it difficult that's why she called in sick and I was upgraded from standby.
I was thankful I was given something. Who doesn't want flying hours?
Second day of that pairing, we flew into one of the cities in Pakistan. The flight coming back was full and it always surprises me why passengers on this flight always want to drink water. The meal trays we distributed had water cups on them. The moment we collected those trays, we again, distributed water. After the service and collection, they still want to have some more glasses of water. We had to go to the cabin every time carrying a tray full of glasses of water. And they kept on asking for the entire duration of the flight until the seatbelt sign was on. I had to tell some of them that we also needed to sit down for landing and if they really needed some more before they leave the plane, I told them to go to the galley and I'll have the water ready for them when the seatbelt sign comes off again. Too excited to leave, they never came for the water.
I used to ask why and complain about this when I started flying. Some of the crew said it's because of the spicy food they eat. I was thinking they are deprived of this basic necessity as I've seen in the news one time. Then I came to realize I really shouldn't know the reason and most importantly, I really shouldn't complain. I don't know what went through in their lives to make an opinion.
I remember my first few days of flying. We were serving hot and cold beverages and I spilled a glass of water over a passenger's dress. I overly apologized, afraid that he will make a bad report. Instead he smiled and said, “it's fine, water is a blessing," then he went to the lavatory to dry himself up. He was wearing a traditional white dress. Thank God it wasn't some orange juice.
When it rains on a special day like a birthday, a Christmas, a new day of the year, or even Sundays, etc, old men and women and even the younger ones often view it as being a blessing and bringing good luck.
Indeed, water is a blessing. It is a gift from God. It is a blessing to mankind. We use water to do the dishes, to take a shower, to flush the toilet, to cook foods, and in many other ways. And we use water to drink.
It is my job to give them what they ask for. Beyond that reason, water is something that I shouldn't refuse giving. Since water is available for me and the passengers, I must be ready and willing to share them.
Thank God for water! :)