Positive Thoughts

(From Belle de Jour Power Planner)

I trust my heart to show me the way.
I am calm despite the challenges I face.
I am worthy of happiness and success.
Today, I remind myself to love myself.
Life gives me wonderful chances to learn and grow.
Even in the midst of changes, I am relaxed.
Long- lasting and sincere friendships brighten my life.
I am constantly discovering new ways to live healthier.
I am blessed with my own circumstances and life lessons.
I give sincere compliments freely and gladly accept them in return.
I listen to my heart, mind, and gut instincts.
I attract awesome things to come into my life just by thinking about them.
I know I can do it.
I am open to learning new ways to do things.
I listen to other people's advice and take their opinions into consideration.
I only have body- positive thoughts for myself and for other women.
I welcome opportunities with open arms.
I don't waste my time on self- pity.
I am who I am, and I'm comfortable with my identity.
I say my name proudly and happily.
I take all the necessary steps to correct mistakes and learn from them.
I am grateful for the warm- hearted and supportive people in my life.
I consciously acknowledge and attract positive energy wherever I go.
I nurture my creative mind and hone my talents and skills.
Today, I protect my heart and free my mind.
I embrace my inner child and know how to have fun like a kid.
I actively take part in caring for the environment.
In any given situation, I know I have the choice to be happy and grateful.
I always strive to improve the quality of my life.
I believe in the power and presence of love.
I look forward to what each new day brings!
I express myself with honesty and clarity.
I share my joy with everyone I meet today.
My happy thoughts complete my day.
I go with the flow and bounce back from setbacks.
Every experience I have is best for my personal growth.
I wake up refreshed each day with a plan for good things to come.
I'm genuinely ecstatic for the success of others, and I know I have my own, too.
I am confident, capable and competent.
I start each day with a realistic and an attainable tasklist in mind.
I strive to become the best version of myself.
I am driven to conquer my fears, face risks, and take chances wherever I go.
I deal with embarrassing moments with self- love and positive thoughts.
I am unstuck in the moment in order to move forward with grace and tenacity.
I don't beat myself up over past mistakes because I practice self- compassion and self- kindness.
I lead an interesting life that is exciting, fulfilling, and immensely enjoyable.
I will never stop discovering and learning for my career development and personal growth.
I practice positive self- talk daily.
All my thoughts for the coming new year are positively powerful and genuinely inspiring.
Humility and perseverance are admirable traits that I continually strive to uphold.
Today, I will begin again.
I make time to do the things I love.
Yes, I can.
I choose to celebrate myself.
I am getting stronger and stronger every day.
I trust that everything is working out for the best.
Love flows to me with ease.
I love life and life loves me.
I appreciate my body. I am beautiful as I am.
There is no such thing as mistakes. Everything is working out for my highest good.
I listen to my inner wisdom.
I choose to nourish my body with healthy food.
Only good and loving people surround me.
I welcome challenges because I know I will gain interesting lessons.
I choose to be positive.
I allow others to see who I really am.
I inject more fun into my life
I leave room in my life for miracles to happen.
I speak my mind clearly and eloquently. My words are kind.
I can only change myself.
I have an attitude of gratitude.
I radiate positivity and joy.
Abundance is all around me. I enjoy everything life shares with me.
There is nothing I can't handle. I am stronger than I realize.
I listen to my body and allow myself to rest whenever I need to.
I attract abundance.
I am divinely protected and guided.
Happiness is my priority.
I can always change my mind.
As I accept and love myself for who I am, I will allow others to do the same.
Today, I will stop judging myself.
I am healed, love and healthy.
My potential is limitless.
I am comfortable with all kinds of people and personalities.
I will focus on the good.
I flow through life with ease no matter what the day throws at me.
I can travel in style wherever I go.
I trust in my ability to take care of myself and live abundantly.
Romance is blooming in my life.
Opportunities are always around me and come at the right moment.
All my prayers are being answered in the best way possible for me.
I am becoming the person I want to be.
I love my own company.
I am one with my breath.
My dreams can come true if I really want them to.
I am confident enough to laugh at my mistakes.
I can be in a good mood or in a bad mood. The choice is always mine.
Vulnerability is a true sign of inner strength.
I move forward with joy in my heart.
I nurture my friendships and take each person as they are.
I am sexy and free. Being a woman is wonderful.
I give myself permission to be happy.
I let go of the need for drama in my life.
I have it in me to survive.
I have the capacity to say, "I can do this."
I have the strength to admit, "I know my limits, and can focus on what I do best."
It's okay to make mistakes- as long as I learn from them.
I am beautiful- no matter what others think or say.
I am inspired by the people who add more to my life.
To really listen, I have to go beyond the obvious.
My body and soul need the care they both deserve.
I nourish my heart by seeing beauty in the smallest things and deeds.
My mind is a force to be reckoned with.
Laughter cures my ailments.
To move on, I have to accept, not forget.
I can understand others more by putting myself in their shoes.
My body is beautiful the way it looks right now.
The way the world works shall never cease to amaze me.
It's okay to get lost sometimes.
It pays to have a bit of fun every so often.
My home is where my soul feels at rest.
I have a right to feel pain and sorrow as much as happiness.
I cannot control others, only myself.
By taking the first step, I can get to where I want to go.
My own imperfections are what make me interesting.
I can turn any misfortune into an opportunity.
I am satisfied and contented. Repeat.
I move forward even if I am afraid.
I can make myself happy.
I see beauty and potential in everyone I encounter.
I am braver than I think I am.
I choose to see the world with fresh, hopeful eyes.
Dreaming isn't enough, I have to work harder to make them come true.
Good things always come out of the bad.
My mistakes do not define me.
The journey is not about finding myself, but about creating my own destiny.
I am not afraid to go outside my comfort zone.
I appreciate the efforts other people exert for me.
Instead of regretting my what- if's, I'll start planning my to- do's.
I am part of this world.
I'll never tire of saying "Wow".
Rejections propel me to something better.
I can't wait for opportunity to come; I just make it on my own.
I only have kind words for and about everyone I meet.
Goals give my day- to- day living much more structure.
My friends and family sustain me.
I will love despite the chance of a broken heart.
Differences make life so much more interesting.
I am a woman, and that in itself, is beautiful.
My passion for learning is never extinguished.
I feel grateful for all that I have.
Failure fuels my desire to succeed.
I have the ability to affect other people's lives in a positive way.
The small things I do can make a difference somewhere, somehow.
I pray to reach inner peace.
It's good to sometimes let the universe work its magic in my life.